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A los Amigos Tango Festival - Rethymno's Big Tango Party!

Von August 29, 2024 14:00 bis September 02, 2024 22:54
Ort: various
Veröffentlicht von Super User
Treffer: 501

A Los Amigos Festival2024

The 12th A Los Amigos Tango Festival  is coming to Rethymno from August 28 to September 2, 2024.

This exciting event brings together tango lovers from all over the world, with dancers coming from 42 different countries.


What makes this festival truly special is its international reputation. It's one of the biggest tango events in Europe and the only large international tango festival in Greece.

It received a prestigious EFFE certification recently, recognizing it as one of Europe's top cultural events. This honor highlights the festival's importance in the world of tango.

During the festival, you can immerse yourself in the world of tango. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced dancer, there's something for everyone. You can take dance classes to improve your skills, watch breathtaking tango shows performed by world-class dancers, and join in the fun at evening dance parties. It's a perfect chance to meet tango stars worldwide and share your passion for this beautiful dance.

The festival brings together an impressive lineup of talent. Three dance couples from Argentina, one from Italy, and one from Greece will showcase their skills. International DJs will keep the music flowing, while photographers and filmmakers capture the magic of the event.

This festival has put Rethymno on the map for tango enthusiasts worldwide. For one exciting week, the whole city comes alive with the tango rhythm.

A Los Amigos Festival2024 2

Whether you're a dedicated tango dancer or just curious about this beautiful art form, the A Los Amigos Tango Festival promises an unforgettable experience.


Stadt von Rethymno

Rethymnos mediterranes Flair, lebendige Landschaften, Altstadt – Architektur, archäologische Stätten, meilenweite Sandstrände und malerische Bergdörfer werden Sie mit einem multikulturellen und zugleich Entspannungserlebnis belohnen. Steigen Sie aus den normalen Touristenpfaden aus, in die Jahrhunderte des Renaissance – Griechenlands. Stolze Kulrur Vergangenheit und Naturschönheit in einem.
small map of Rethymnon, Crete, Greece
Tourismusabteilung der Gemeinde von Rethymno
  tourism (@) rethymno.gr
  +30 28310 21459
  +30 28310 21459
  21 El. Venizelou Str, 74100, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

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