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  • Offizielle touristische Website der Gemeinde Rethymno


exploring the Psiloritis Geopark Information Centre

Psiloritis Geopark

Psiloritis Geopark

Spend your weekends exploring the Psiloritis Geopark Information Centre in Anogia!

Starting from last  Saturday and Sunday, on January 20th and 21st, 2024, the Information Centre is open from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. It's a great opportunity for you and your family to discover the wonders of Psiloritis Geopark through guided tours, dioramas, virtual reality experiences, and family-friendly activities.

exploring the Psiloritis Geopark Information Centre in Anogia
exploring the Psiloritis Geopark Information Centre in Anogia
exploring the Psiloritis Geopark Information Centre in Anogia
exploring the Psiloritis Geopark Information Centre in Anogia
snow country ski adventure at Anogeia Plateau

Combine your visit to the Geopark with a hike in Psiloritis or a  snow-country ski  adventure at  Anogeia Plateau. Afterward, treat yourself to a delicious meal at one of the many tavernas. It's sure to be an exciting and memorable experience!

For more information about Psiloritis Geopark, visit their website www.psiloritisgeopark.gr or follow them on social media: Facebook - psiloritisGeopark, Instagram - psiloritis_geopark.

Stadt von Rethymno

Rethymnos mediterranes Flair, lebendige Landschaften, Altstadt – Architektur, archäologische Stätten, meilenweite Sandstrände und malerische Bergdörfer werden Sie mit einem multikulturellen und zugleich Entspannungserlebnis belohnen. Steigen Sie aus den normalen Touristenpfaden aus, in die Jahrhunderte des Renaissance – Griechenlands. Stolze Kulrur Vergangenheit und Naturschönheit in einem.
small map of Rethymnon, Crete, Greece
Tourismusabteilung der Gemeinde von Rethymno
  tourism (@) rethymno.gr
  +30 28310 21459
  +30 28310 21459
  21 El. Venizelou Str, 74100, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

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