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  • Offizielle touristische Website der Gemeinde Rethymno


Rethymno, a Prime Cycling Destination for UK Cyclist Peter's Training Preparation


Rethymno is an ideal Cycling destination for Peter and other athletes!

Peter Jones is a cyclist from the UK who has chosen Rethymno, an awarded bike friendly destination in Greece, as his destination for cycling preparation and training for the past 4 years.

Rethymno offers a hospitable and bike-friendly environment with great mountains, easily accessible cycling areas, low traffic, high-quality roads, and a perfect climate for cycling.


Rethymno provides an unforgettable training experience in a magnificent area located in the center of the island of Crete, near the sea.

Cycling in Rethymno helps increase skills and power, and the destination offers all the necessary services that athletes need.


The best time to visit Rethymno for a cycling holiday is during late winter, spring, and autumn.

There are numerous routes options available to fulfill every training need, from competitive riders and triathletes to club riders and beginners.


The elevation profile maps and the map of Rethymno's surroundings illustrate the diverse terrain and cycling routes available in the area, making it an ideal destination for cyclists like Peter to prepare for their upcoming cycling challenges.

Stadt von Rethymno

Rethymnos mediterranes Flair, lebendige Landschaften, Altstadt – Architektur, archäologische Stätten, meilenweite Sandstrände und malerische Bergdörfer werden Sie mit einem multikulturellen und zugleich Entspannungserlebnis belohnen. Steigen Sie aus den normalen Touristenpfaden aus, in die Jahrhunderte des Renaissance – Griechenlands. Stolze Kulrur Vergangenheit und Naturschönheit in einem.
small map of Rethymnon, Crete, Greece
Tourismusabteilung der Gemeinde von Rethymno
  tourism (@) rethymno.gr
  +30 28310 21459
  +30 28310 21459
  21 El. Venizelou Str, 74100, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

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