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  • Επίσημη ιστοσελίδα Τμήματος Τουρισμού Δήμου Ρεθύμνου


Smart city

What makes a city smart?

Is it just a matter of using cutting-edge technology or constructing futuristic buildings? That is surely a lot more than that! It is the right combination between knowledge industries, modern-city tourism, and quality infrastructure for residents, investors, and visitors alike. Smart cities can upgrade the efficiency of city services by finding ways to save money, as well as provide higher-quality services at a lower cost.

Electro-mobility can make transport cleaner and cheaper. Currently, there are limited electric vehicles in the whole island of Crete and charging infrastructure is unavailable. Rethymno has launched the first electric vehicles (EV) chargers in the region for “park and charge” use. Tailored signage for the charging stations and the designated parking slots was designed, incorporating elements that highlight the sustainable profile of the city. Incentives for EV use were introduced along with campaigns to raise awareness to citizens and to motivate fleet operators to introduce EVs to their fleets. This will also help boost the sustainable and eco-friendly profile of the city of Rethymno member of the Civitas Destinations

electric bus electric bus stops

The Municipality of Rethymno has also launched the first electric bus registered in Greece, supporting actively the vision of sustainable development. The pilot electric bus route is planned to cover locals’ and visitors’ needs in the city. This electric bus is fully accessible to people with mobility difficulties and offers zero-emission public transport. It provides a “hop on hop off” service circulating the city landmarks and serving the city beach access. And all this free of charge!

electric car 

Last but not least, cool eco-friendly electric scooters made their debut in Rethymno! A quick, easy, economical and, above all, ‘eco-friendly’ alternative to getting around the city is now available for both locals and visitors alike! The cool electric scooters are equipped with a GPS system, wireless technology, and automatic lock, and are available to anyone who has downloaded the necessary app on their mobile phone.

electric scooter electric scooters

The app allows users to locate the nearest available scooter, provides the necessary instructions, unlocks and allows the use of the scooter, which is simply left on the street at the end of the ride. The basic idea is that all communities deserve access to smart, affordable mobility. It brings cities together and empowers better urban living. Riding an electric scooter should be an awesome experience, both for you and for the community. To make sure that happens, we should all make safety and proper parking our first priority:

  • Always follow helmet laws
  • Park properly by curbside
  • Do a pre-ride safety check
  • Apply brakes to slow down/stop
  • Be mindful of road obstructions
  • Always follow traffic rules

Exploring innovative solutions by creating a more sustainable urban mobility culture should be the beating heart of a smart city. But successful smart city development does not come easily: above all, it requires engagement from citizens to really make a change.

Rethymno aims to become a lighthouse example for other municipalities in Crete as best practice for sustainable mobility solutions and clean vehicles!

Πόλη του Ρεθύμνου

Σας προσκαλούμε να ταξιδέψετε σε τοποθεσίες που ίσως είναι ακόμα άγνωστες στην πλειοψηφία και κάποιες φορές απομακρυσμένες, αλλά πάντα μαγικές και υπέροχες όλες τις εποχές του χρόνου. Προτείνουμε στους επισκέπτες μας να δουν τα γραφικά μας χωριά μέσα από τα μάτια της ψυχής, να δοκιμάσουν την κρητική κουζίνα, το κρασί και την τσικουδιά μας, να συμμετάσχουν στα πανυγύρια και τις γιορτές μας, αλλά κυρίως να γνωρίσουν την ψυχή μας, τη φιλοξενία μας, την ασφαλή, ανέγγιχτη ενδοχώρα, το άλλο Ρέθυμνο.
Rethymno Guide       visitgreece2
small map of Rethymnon, Crete, Greece
Γραφείο Τουρισμού Δήμου Ρεθύμνου
  tourism (@)
  +30 28310 21459
  +30 28310 21459
  21 El. Venizelou Str, 74100, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

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