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International Festival of Percussion in Rethymno

From July 19, 2021 19:00 until July 24, 2021 10:22
Posted by Super User
Categories: Music, Art, Street Art
Hits: 4886


The municipality of Rethymno and the Act for Art invites the community to band together for the International Festival of Percussion in Rethymno.



This summer, the city of Rethymno will pulsate in the rhythm, colors and tradition of percussion!

Rethymno Percussion Festival1

Creativity, interaction, motion, and expression of emotions, in a sensantional festival with international participations under the starry sky of Rethymno in July, in the heart of summer! Act for Art organizes the "International Festival of Percussions in Rethymno" under the aegis of the Municipality of Rethymno. The Festival will open its doors for the first time in the summer of 2021.

Mucisians from abroad, famous artists of the international percussion community, the most important representatives of the Greek scene, as well as important musicians from Crete, will perform in an intercultural musical event, defined by a feast of sounds and rhythms, a musical celebration for all ages. Original tradition, world music, street culture, flamenco and contemporary music compose a musical mosaic that through the art of percussion will bring out the Festival in a three-day full rhythm!

Surrounded by educational actions and events, highlighting percussion music through other arts, the Festival highlights its educational and artistic character.

The International Festival of Percussion in Rethymno, with the signature of the artistic director Takis Vassiliou, aims to enter the world map of the major music festivals, and become an institution, housing every summer the magic of the naïve art of percussion in the city of Rethymno.


Rethymno Percussion Festival2


Parallel Actions of the Municipality of Rethymno  (K.E.DI.R)

Opening Monday 19 July: Exhibition entitled "Rethymno: A Different Approach" Agnostou Square

From the group "Rethymno Photography Lessons" under the guidance of Manolis Karatarakis. Discovering colors and unknown landscapes through the photographer's eye.

Participating: Andreas Meladakis, Anna Nikolopoulou, Aspa Birlirakis, Voula Filippakis, Giannis Stavrakakis, Giorgos Dilintas, Despina Malliarou, Despina Plazomitis, Despina Zografakis, Elvira Tatsi, Eleni Perpirakis, Zoe Fotakis, Ioanna Kaloudis, Katerina Maravelaki, Katerina Kaugalakis, Kostas Georginis, Litsa Murtzanou, Lydia-Iliana Xofakis, Manousos Saridakis, Maria Androulidakis, Maria Fotakis, Marialena Pantazidou, Melinda Christellis, Menelaos Kontogiannis, Myrsini Mertzianis, Pantelis Alevyzakis, Petros Vasilakakis, Sofia Findrilis, Fotini Kougleri, Chrysoula Dimitrakakis, Renate La Grange

Free Entrance


Main Concerts 22-23-24 July | Fortezza

The festival's main concerts will be hosted in the Venetian castle of Fortezza, a unique monument that dominates the heart of the city of Rethymno. Musicians and audiences from different parts of the world will meet in a universal musical event, a unique celebration that appeals to everyone! The concerts will be attended from abroad by: Itamar Doari: (Israel), The Bucket Boy (Matthew Pretty) (United States of America), and from Greece: Alexandros Drakos Ktistakis, Vagelis Karipis, Haig Yazdjian, Takis Farazis,  Percussion 4one feat. Tigran Sargsyan, De Todas Formas, Petros Varthakouris, Pantelis Ntzialas. Local bands from Crete will also participate: Topos, Al Hanim Trio, and “Skiuros 5” feat. Maria Koti.

Concert Schedule

22.07 | Opening at 20:15


 23.07 | Starting at 20:15



24.07 | Starting at 20:15



Rethymno Percussion Festival3 

Rethymno Percussion Festival5





Ticket Prices: General Admission: 15 €, Reduced (Student, Disabled, Unemployed): 12 €, Three Day Offer: 32 €

Early Bird Ticket (until July 5): 10 €

The doors open at 19:00

Pre-sale of tickets at the physical points: Municipality Kiosk: 4Martyres sqr (hours: 9: 00-14: 00)


Free Side Events by Rethymno Municipality |  Mikrasiaton Square - Fortezza

Within the framework of the Rethymno Percussion Festival, the Municipality of Rethymno offers cultural and educational activities with free entrance, enabling a wider audience to get to know better the special and stunning music of percussion. Actions include: Gastronomy “PercussionB{eats}s”, Live Performances, Educational Actions and Photo Exhibition / Projection.

“PERCUSSIONB[EAT]S”(Percussion and Gastronomy) | Mikrasiaton Square  

20-21 July | Doors opening at 19:00

How are percussion connected to gastronomy? Through music! Percussion music from across the 4 continents represented at the Rethymno Percussion Festival (Europe, Asia, America, Africa) will be joined by gastronomy in a cultural unit that will include cuisines of the world along with the famous cuisine of Crete!



20-21 July | Attendance from 19:00

From a multicultural music festival representing musicians from the four continents (America – Asia – Africa – Europe), Bazaar could not be missing. Bazaar has its roots in Bazar, as the Persians called it and which later prevailed as "Pazari" by turning into greek the Turkish word Pazar, a "Street market" organized as part of a local celebration or festival. Bazaar is a set of events and during its duration will be performed by Sea Clown Sailing Circus, Bucket Boy (Matthew Pretty) O Bombo, Lia Koutelieri, and live sets by D.J.s Hipcut and Mackenzie with a wide range of musical choices. At the same time and throughout the festival, events such as art exhibitions and percussion-themed screenings will take place.








ART Exhibition "Ode to blue" Mikrasiaton Square

20-21 July | Attendance from 19:00

The art exhibition of ART WAY entitled "Ode to Blue" is inaugurated in the context of the events of Mikrasiaton Square. The exhibition presents the works of the artists: Vicky Nomikou, Giannis Kaminis and Nancy Kefalinou. The exhibition is curated by Nena Dimitriadou - The Silk Road.


EDUCATIONAL ACTIONS | Workshops, Seminars

The education sector has a very special place at the festival. The aim of the Educational Programs of the Festival is the acquaintance of children with music and percussion, the individual training of music students or musicians as well as the artistic interaction that will arise through the educational process.


Schedule of Educational Actions

 20.07|"Traditional Music nowadays" (from 15 years old). Seminar on ways of evolution and renewal of traditional music with modern means and contemporary musical instruments.

By Skiuro5 team | House of Culture  time:11:00-12:00

21.07| "Let's speak in the Language of percussion" (from 10 years old): Workshop on the basic principles of rhythm as a language through the prism of Brazilian rhythms. Lively, dancing, playful and dynamic rhythms, giving participants the opportunity to discover talents and aspects they might have ignored. Getting to know the instruments and introducing themselves to the alphabet of rhythm.

By Manos Nazli | Municipal Garden, time: 10:00-11:30


21.07 |"Discovering the basic rhythms of Flamenco": Workshop of acquaintance with Flamenco dance and music through the musical instruments of percussion.

By the team De Todas Formas  | House of Culture  time:11:30-12:30


22.07 |Street Drumming” (from 10 years old): How to improvise with different objects and create unique rhythms.

By Matthew Pretty “The Bucket Boy” | Municipal Garden, time: 10:30-12:00 


23.07 |“Percussion for three” by Percussion4one”: (from 15 years old). Ideas and ways of orchestrating for a percussion ensemble!

By Percussion4one  | House of Culture  time:11:00-12:30

Head of Education programs:  Marianna Tziraki Tel. 6989870159



There will be a photography exhibition and video screening, which will be open to the public from 20 to 24 July.


"Rethymno: A different approach": Photography exhibition of the group

"Rethymno Photography Lessons" under the guidance of Manolis Karatarakis.

Discovering colors and unknown landscapes through the photographer's eye.

“Percussion”: Audiovisual material on the history of percussion musical instruments and artists. Director / Editing: Giannis Andritsios

*Due to Covid19 and according to the measures that will be in force on the days of the Festival there will be a restriction on attendance regarding the parallel actions of the Municipality of Rethymno.





Rethymno Percussion Festival 

Organization: Act for Art & Municipality of Rethymno

Pre-sale tickets: TicketServices

Ticket Prices: General Admission: 15€, Reduced (Student, Disabled, Unemployed): 12€, Three-Day Offer: 32€  Early Bird ticket (till 30 June): 10€ 

Doors open at 19:00    @    Fortezza Castle of Rethymno, 22-23-24 July 2021


Cultural Actions in the Rhythm of Percussion


Organization: Municipality of Rethymno

Free entrance

PercussionB[eat]s & LiveSession / Performances: 20-21 Ιουλίου -  Mikrasiaton Square: attendance from 19:00

 Educational Actions 20-23 July

Photo Exhibition / Projection 20 - 24 July: Uknown Soldier sqr

more info

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small map of Rethymnon, Crete, Greece
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  tourism (@)
  +30 28310 21459
  +30 28310 21459
  21 El. Venizelou Str, 74100, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

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