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destination wedding agreement between Rethymno and Wenzhou

agreement signed between Rethymno and Wenzhou aims at the Chinese tourism market, attracting weddings and honeymoon travelers and establishing Rethymno as a wedding destination, meeting the needs of wedding luxury, targeting "Asian millennials" with upgraded world-class features.

The agreement was signed on Dongtou Island while the ceremony was attended by the Chairman of Dongtou Provincial Commission, Mr. Wang Wensheng, the President Democratic People's Congress of Dongtou Province, Mr. Ye Guosheng, the Mayor of Wenzhou, Mr. Lin Xia, and the President of Rethymno Tourist Committee Mrs. Pepi Birliraki. 

Rethymno is the first Greek city that has signed such a wedding tourism agreement, while the two cities are planning to work closely in trade, culture and arts, tourism, education, sports and they will maintain close contact and work together on exchange and cooperation issues based on common interest.

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Particular emphasis is given to the cooperation in hospitality and tourism, especially Wedding Tourism. The model of a "friendly city" for Wedding Ceremony is a new model, a new way of thinking, a new structure based on close relations between the two cities.  This expects to boost incoming tourism from China and meet the needs and expectations for Chinese.

According to the Chairman of Rethymno Tourism Committee Mrs. Pepi Birliraki, " Wenzhou has people who are familiar with Greece and Crete and what attracts them the most, is a tourist product that combines the important moments of their lives with their relatives and friends. They bring their own crews (journalists, photographers, and even directors) as they want to create memories that will "travel" to China with them. What is also of interest to them is Greek culture, their experience about modern Greece, even the activities of picking up olives, wine tasting, agrotourism, visiting farms, but also the unspoiled Cretan nature, the sun & sea. The big comparative advantage is that Chinese people prefer to travel at low seasons and, in this fits our expectations of expanding the tourist season and make Rethymno a 12-month destination. "

It will also push forward Rethymno to become Chinese preferable choice for a honeymoon with many authentic locations and venues for young Chinese couples for their special moment.  It will also help Rethymno to truly become a popular destination and will help to boost the number of quality tourist arrivals and their spending in Crete.

La Ville de Rethymno

Vous êtes invités à découvrir des régions éloignées et incontournables, tout au long de l'année, hors de sentiers battus. Profitez bien de visiter les villages merveilleux, déguster les plats de la véritable cuisine crétoise, le vin et le tsikoudia crétois. Vous pouvez participer à nos fêtes et festivités, mais surtout apprendre à connaître notre esprit d'hospitalité et le vrai caractère de Réthymnon.
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small map of Rethymnon, Crete, Greece
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  +30 28310 21459
  +30 28310 21459
  21 El. Venizelou Str, 74100, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

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