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Yakinthia 2022


Yakinthia 2022

Yakinthia is a cultural festival that takes place in Anogeia July 22-28 2022

All events are taking place in a special "mitato" area of Psiloritis mountain, just a little further from Anogeia village at an altitude of 1260m.

The Yakinthia in collaboration with the Municipality of Anogia and the co-organization of the region of Crete come back dynamically with the "Mandolin Festival".
A meeting with the most renowned instrumentalists - musicians of the island who will present not only classical melodies and an original composition of their own.

The most melodic instrument of the Cretan tradition is " portrayed " for the first time in the history of Crete, in Yakinthia.

In the magical theatre of Agios Yakinthos the best mandolinists will perform!
The nights will be filled with music and passion and an erotic atmosphere.   Participants are invited to experience the Cretan musical idiom.


La Ville de Rethymno

Vous êtes invités à découvrir des régions éloignées et incontournables, tout au long de l'année, hors de sentiers battus. Profitez bien de visiter les villages merveilleux, déguster les plats de la véritable cuisine crétoise, le vin et le tsikoudia crétois. Vous pouvez participer à nos fêtes et festivités, mais surtout apprendre à connaître notre esprit d'hospitalité et le vrai caractère de Réthymnon.
Rethymno Guide       visitgreece2
small map of Rethymnon, Crete, Greece
Office de Tourisme
  tourism (@)
  +30 28310 21459
  +30 28310 21459
  21 El. Venizelou Str, 74100, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

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