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Cretan Wine Week

wine week 2018 2 

full week devoted to Cretan wine and Cretan gastronomy begins in Rethymno and will continue until Saturday 29 September 2018.

The city of Rethymno, with a rich gastronomy history, supports Cretan wine and the active team of "Rethymno Recevin" has prepared the Cretan Wine Week 2018, in the context of events of Rethymno: European Wine City 2018, a title awarded by the European Network of Wine Cities RECEVIN.

Rethymno’s restaurants, hotels, and wine bars have designed special menus and tastings of Cretan wine throughout the week of 23-29 September 2018. The program is continuously enriched and, up to now, it is as follows:

  •  Veneto Hotel & Restaurant Rethymno Crete: For the whole week of 23-29 September, a special menu is offered and 5 Cretan wines in a glass! There is also, a special offer for a dinner of two with 1+1 free bottle of Cretan wine

Avli restaurant from 23-29 September will offer two degustation menus: 4 dishes with 3 glasses of Cretan wine and 7 dishes with 5 glasses. During the whole week, there will also be holding a 30 minutes mini wine tasting on the Cretan wines.  On Monday the 24th: A seminar will be held at the Cretan vineyard at 18:00.


  • Wine Bar Rewine: On Tuesday the 25th, at 20:00, there will be a presentation of the Cretan varieties Plyto and Dafni from the Lyrarakis Winery
  • 1600 raki baraki: from 23-29 September, there will be offered a set of menus with meze and wine pairing in a special price, while for the whole week, visitors can enjoy 5 Cretan wines in a glass. - T: +302831 058250.
  • Grecotel White Palace Hotel: On Thursday 27 of September, there will be held a Cretan Wine Master Class with a wine tasting on 6 Cretan wines, by the sommelier Yiannis Papadomanolakis
  • Pepi Boutique Hotel: On Monday 24th to Thursday 27 of September, there will be a presentation of 3 Cretan wines from indigenous varieties and there will be a 30% discount for the purchase of Cretan wines. – T: +306945372212.
  • Lux Cafe: On Thursday 27 of September, there will be a presentation of Digenakis Winery. T:+30 2831 020303.
  • The restaurant «HASIKA», on Monday 24 to Saturday 29 of September, will offer a degustation menu with 4 dishes paired with 2 wines in a special price Τ: +30 2831 021014.
  • Cavo Restaurant Bar, from Monday 24 to Saturday 29 of September, will offer a degustation menu with 4 dishes paired with 3 wines in a special price – T: +30 2831 036700.

In addition, for the first time in the city of Rethymno, on Friday, September 28, three special wine tours will take place from 18:00 to 21:00 (one hour each), in the Old Town of Rethymno, which will combine a guided tour with stops at many restaurants and wine bars for tasting of Cretan wine.

Participation is free of charge and can be stated at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! or on the facebook page: www.fb.com/rethymnowinecity. Posts are limited and there will be a priority order.

The Municipality of Rethymnon and the Rethymno Recevin Team invite all the Cretan wine lovers to participate in this week, enjoy a unique wine-tasting experience in Rethymno and share it on social media using #RethymnoWineCity (facebook & Instagram)!



Stadt von Rethymno

Rethymnos mediterranes Flair, lebendige Landschaften, Altstadt – Architektur, archäologische Stätten, meilenweite Sandstrände und malerische Bergdörfer werden Sie mit einem multikulturellen und zugleich Entspannungserlebnis belohnen. Steigen Sie aus den normalen Touristenpfaden aus, in die Jahrhunderte des Renaissance – Griechenlands. Stolze Kulrur Vergangenheit und Naturschönheit in einem.
small map of Rethymnon, Crete, Greece
Tourismusabteilung der Gemeinde von Rethymno
  tourism (@) rethymno.gr
  +30 28310 21459
  +30 28310 21459
  21 El. Venizelou Str, 74100, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

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