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Dagipoli Dance - Modern Dance

From September 15, 2022 21:00 until September 15, 2022 22:59
Posted by Super User
Categories: Art, Live Concert
Hits: 1829


The common elements that compose the core of the project is the relationship between disability and asylum, through their current dimensions, regarding the oppression experienced by refugees, the freedom of action given to them by societies, and their integration into the social web.

Taking into account social, economic, class, ethnic, psychological parametres and influences, we explore the spectrum and processes of integration and acceptance of these populations, through authentic narratives, and their role in the evolution of culture.

A redefinition of art, of the “different other”, of the refugee, of the disabled, of life itself, of the self, of emotions, of the relationship with one’s own body, mind and soul.


Optimal contact leads to the creation of emotional bonds and a reassessment of population groups, in the sense that cultural exchange changes "outdated" views and is associated with reduced ethnocentrism. New social identities are created, which blunt social categorisations, thus preventing social discrimination.
The production is part of the programme 2022, the institution "All Greece is one Culture" of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and is co-organised with the Region of Crete.
Detailed information and reservations at


Creative team
Conception, choreography: George Christakis

Direction, dramaturgy: Eugenia Arsenis

Music composition, performance: Costas Livadas

Song: Eleni Tsaligopoulou
Narration: Anastasis Kolovos - Sotiris Tahtsoglou
Lighting: Sakis Birbilis
Santuri: Stella Valasi
Electric guitar: Spyros Hadjikonstantinou
Assistant Director: Giorgos Mantzoukis

Dancers: Fay Malama, Eleni Kontzila, Maria-Zoe Terzopoulou, Ioli Spiliopoulou, Yannis Chaldaios, Alekos Blatze, Sotiris Takhtsoglou, Jenny Arseni and Giorgos Christakis

The performance will be accessible for deaf and disabled people. Emmanouela Pataniotaki is in charge of accessibility

City of Rethymno

You are invited to travel to areas, which are perhaps still unknown to the majority, and which are sometimes remote, but always magical and magnificent throughout the seasons. We recommend our visitors to see our picturesque villages through the eyes of the soul, try the Cretan cuisine, our wine and “tsikoudia”, participate in our revelries and festivities, but most importantly get to know our soul, our hospitality, the safe, untouched interior of the region, the other Rethymno.
Rethymno Guide       visitgreece2
small map of Rethymnon, Crete, Greece
Department of Tourism
  tourism (@)
  +30 28310 21459
  +30 28310 21459
  21 El. Venizelou Str, 74100, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

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