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EU Green week 2018

Starting on 22nd May a 4-day Bamboo Bike Ride  took place between Rethymnon and Falasarna with stops at towns to encourage people to #MakeCretePlasticFreeSTARTING from 08.30 in Rethymnon at The square of the Unknown Soldier (Agnostou Square). The bikes started at 09.30 and ride pasted the Fortress and westwards towards Falasarna.

 GREEN WEEK bamboo bikes venetian port

We are delighted that European Sustainability Academy -Crete (ESA) is an official EU GREEN WEEK 2018 event partner. Everyone of all ages can be part of #MakeCretePlasticFree

 This particular campaign launched from Rethymno on May 22 at 09.30, in the Unknown Soldier Square, continuing on to Georgioupolis, Vrysses, Vamos, and Kalyves. Students from the 5th & the 7thElementary School of Rethymno had the opportunity to get to know the cyclists, try the amazing bamboo bikes and talk with the organizers. In addition, they were distributed educational material, as well as products alternative to plastic such as ecological toothbrushes and wipers. 

 elementary school cycling elementary school visit

The EU is helping cities to become better and healthier places to live and work. EUGREENWEEK showcases practical developments on air quality, noise, nature, and biodiversity, waste and water management. The aim is to promote networking for sharing new ideas and best practices by engaging local authorities, organizations, and local citizens, and encouraging everyone to share their vision of a sustainable future. The EU is helping cities to become better and healthier places to live and work. EUGREENWEEK showcases practical developments on air quality, noise, nature, and biodiversity, waste and water management. The aim is to promote networking for sharing new ideas and best practices by engaging local authorities, organizations, and local citizens, and encouraging everyone to share their vision of a sustainable future.

Many people believe that humanity being 'disconnected' from design and creation is a fundamental reason for a 'throwaway' attitude across the planet. Green transport challenges have triggered a growing interest in individually designed, hand-made ‘Bamboo Bicycles’ across Europe. This is a perfect way to reconnect with what matters in creating a healthy, green future to live in through ‘design’ with ‘natural capital’ (bamboo) and at the same time reduce negative environmental impact.

Plastic straws in our drinks take 1 minute to make, are used for an average of 10 minutes and take 100 years to decompose. Many end up in the sea and harm birds and marine animals. We must find ‘natural’ alternatives in Crete.

EUGreenWeek Crete opens on Natura 2000 day 21st May. Everyone is welcome from 17.00 at ESA off-grid, eco-building, Drapanos. ESA is a purpose-built training, research and seminar center for learning about sustainability.EUGreenWeek Creteopens on Natura 2000 day 21st May. Everyone is welcome from 17.00 at ESA off-grid, eco-building, Drapanos. ESA is a purpose-built training, research and seminar centre for learning about sustainability. During EUGREENWEEK, 21 – 25 May, events will take place to raise awareness about excessive plastic waste in Crete and explore alternative solutions. 

 bamboo bike ride crete

 cycling in historic center cycling in south coast




City of Rethymno

You are invited to travel to areas, which are perhaps still unknown to the majority, and which are sometimes remote, but always magical and magnificent throughout the seasons. We recommend our visitors to see our picturesque villages through the eyes of the soul, try the Cretan cuisine, our wine and “tsikoudia”, participate in our revelries and festivities, but most importantly get to know our soul, our hospitality, the safe, untouched interior of the region, the other Rethymno.
Rethymno Guide       visitgreece2
small map of Rethymnon, Crete, Greece
Department of Tourism
  tourism (@)
  +30 28310 21459
  +30 28310 21459
  21 El. Venizelou Str, 74100, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

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