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Art Exhibition by Elli Lyraraki

Von August 04, 2023 20:00 bis August 20, 2023 20:00
Veröffentlicht von Super User
Kategorien: exhibition , Art
Treffer: 1265


The exhibition is not just a display of artistic prowess, but a deep exploration of memories, emotions, and everyday experiences.

Renowned for her exquisite handmade accessories inspired by ancient Cretan culture, Elli Lyraraki now invites you to witness her contemporary vision on canvas. When the design cycle closes, her creative spirit remains ever-vibrant, seeking expression in the realm of painting and coloring.

As you stand before her easel, you will witness a transition from figurative motifs of nature and mythology, such as branches, flowers, and bees, to abstract forms that embrace geometries and flirt with the vivid colors of pop art. Throughout, these creations engage in a profound dialogue with the glorious past of her ancestral Crete.

The exhibition, curated by Ioanna-Calypso Glypti and organized by Anneta Nikolaou, will be hosted at the House of Culture.

The exhibition is supported by the Region of Crete, the Municipality of Rethymno, the Associations of Culture and Development, the Development Association of Women of Crete, and The Women Do Business.


Duration: August 4th to August 20th

Stadt von Rethymno

Rethymnos mediterranes Flair, lebendige Landschaften, Altstadt – Architektur, archäologische Stätten, meilenweite Sandstrände und malerische Bergdörfer werden Sie mit einem multikulturellen und zugleich Entspannungserlebnis belohnen. Steigen Sie aus den normalen Touristenpfaden aus, in die Jahrhunderte des Renaissance – Griechenlands. Stolze Kulrur Vergangenheit und Naturschönheit in einem.
small map of Rethymnon, Crete, Greece
Tourismusabteilung der Gemeinde von Rethymno
  tourism (@) rethymno.gr
  +30 28310 21459
  +30 28310 21459
  21 El. Venizelou Str, 74100, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

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