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Cretan Diet Festival2024 - "Greeks & Turks Singing Together" Concert

Von Juli 04, 2024 21:31 bis Juli 04, 2024 23:00
Veröffentlicht von Super User


The VITSENZOS CORNAROS  is a non-profit organization based in Sitia, Crete.

For this summer, they have created a special musical group with Greek and Turkish musicians.

The group will perform a program of folk songs shared by both Greek and Turkish cultures.

They will also sing songs by Loizos translated into Turkish, and songs by Livaneli (winner of a recent book exhibition in Thessaloniki) translated into Greek.

The musical group includes:

3 Turkish Members:
Ali Fuat Ayadin - sazzi (instrument)
Mehmet Ali Orman - clarinet
Asli Kurt Ayadin - vocals

5 Greek Members:
Kyriakos Gouvendas - violin
Maria Plumi - lute
Evi Kanellou - oriental percussion
Nikos Taleas - keyboards/accordion
Maria Fragouli - vocals

1 Greek-Turkish Member:
Fotini Kokkala - cannon (Greek married to a Turk, lived 15 years in Istanbul, a 'bridge' between cultures)

The songs will be sung in both the Greek and Turkish languages.

This Greek-Turkish musical group plans to perform in Athens, Thessaloniki, Izmir, and Istanbul to share their cross-cultural program.

You can learn more about the VITSENZOS CORNAROS House and its activities at vitsentzoskornaros.org

This concert is under the support of the Ministry of Culture

Experience this unique multicultural musical collaboration!

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  tourism (@) rethymno.gr
  +30 28310 21459
  +30 28310 21459
  21 El. Venizelou Str, 74100, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

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